Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall is Quickly Approaching!

We have enjoyed another fun and exciting week here in third grade. We ended the week meeting with our book buddies from Mrs. Fowle’s class. We had a great time together! We have fun being the “older” students.
Language Arts: I had the kids use a scoring rubric and look over some of their writing and analyze how they did. I do this to help them see what they need to improve on to become better writers.
We are working on the anthology “Miss Nelson is Missing”. We also read aloud a book “The Gardner” and did several activities. We also take time to read and discuss our Weekly Readers.
We are currently learning cursive. The children are doing a wonderful job. This will be an ongoing process throughout the year.
Spelling: These past few weeks we practiced words ending with –s or –es and also words that have consonant blends. Thank you again for returning your test booklets!
Math: We are still doing many review activities in our math program. We have done frames and arrows, many coin activities, calculator review, place value, and more addition and subtraction.

Technology: The children just finished two weeks of a program called Type to Learn. This is a fantastic computer program that teaches the students to type without looking at the keyboard and constantly increase speed.
Science: We started our unit on the Human Body. The children are sharing what they already know and are having a blast learning new information.
Dates to Remember:
22nd Dogs for Dollars @ Corner Bar
29th Dogs for Dollars @ Corner Bar
26th Summer Reading celebration in the library. If you haven’t turned in your form, please do so as soon as possible!
14th MEAP begins
16th English Hills Silent and Live Auction.
17th No school for students, staff development day.
24th Picture Make-up Day
27th Family Night – Corn Maze
31st Halloween Parties

I want to thank all you for signing and returning weekly reports, agendas, spelling test booklets, and all other notes and forms. I truly appreciate it!
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Off to a Great Start!

What a wonderful first week of school! I have had a great time getting to know your children and many of you. It was nice seeing some of you at our curriculum night. Thank you again for being so flexible with the changes due to the weather. I look forward to a fantastic year.
We have already started unit 1 in math. We are reviewing subtraction, number grids, finding numbers around us, and place value. Next week we will be working on telling time, graphing, and name collection boxes.
Language Arts:
We made “Me mobiles” for the hall that tell about how we are good friends. We also interviewed friends and discussed after several read alouds important qualities that we believe good friends possess. The children also wrote about a summer story that made them smile. If you have time to look, they are hanging in the hall outside of our classroom. We started notebooks, which we do every morning when we arrive. The children have many fun and interesting things to write about, I love reading their stories!
Computer Lab:
Due to our new bond passing, we have new computers! We start next week with a typing program.
We took unit 1 test today and overall the kids did a great job! Next week the kids will have different lists after they are pre-tested. Monday you should see a list come home and homework will be to write spelling sentences.

Specials Schedule:
Monday: Gym and Art
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Computer Lab
Thursday: Library
Friday: Gym and Music

Next week Friday is PICTURE DAY! If you don’t have an envelope in your folder today, please let me know and I will get one to you ASAP. I look forward to another great week with your child, please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, comments, or concerns.