While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about. ~Angela Schwindt
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Few Reminders
Wednesday, December 8th: Secret Santa shopping. This is a great opportunity for your child to do some Christmas shopping on their own. Just send them with cash or a check made out to Valley View PTO if you are interested in purchasing items.
Monday, December 13th: Our Holiday music concert @ 6:45 at the high school auditorium.
Thursday, December 16th: Our Christmas party! Please let me know if you are interested in donating items or helping with the party.
Friday, December 17th: Last day of school before Christmas Break!
Monday, January 3rd: School resumes.
Tuesday, January 18th: Lansing Field trip. More info coming soon!
Monday, November 15, 2010
See You Soon!
I look forward to seeing all of you at conferences this week! Please let me know if you are unable to attend your child’s conference and we will reschedule at your convenience.
Spelling: This week we are studying words that have the short and long i sound. Just a heads up that we will have no spelling the week of Thanksgiving.
Language Arts: Friday we will be finishing our read aloud book “Because of Winn-Dixie”. As a culminating activity we will watch the movie and compare it to the book this Friday. If you have any objections to your child seeing the movie, please let me know. We also have been learning different strategies for writing during our writing workshop. Our strategies include writing about a person and telling about a specific memory with that person and also writing about a place and telling about a specific memory with that place. I’m trying to get the children to give more details and try to write more in depth.
Math: We are now in unit 3. The children are doing a tremendous amount of measuring, figuring of perimeter and area, and more practice with money.
Social Studies: We continue learning different facts about our Michigan history. We also had a wonderful time listening to the author of “Sooper Yooper”, Mark Neuman. He discussed the many invasive species that have come to Michigan over the years and how we need to work hard to protect our state and great lakes!
Computer Lab: We enjoyed making our top ten lists of why we are thankful. I know that I’m very thankful for my wonderful students and families!
Dates to Remember:
16th: We visit the book fair.
17th: Evening conferences.
18th: Evening conferences.
24th-26th: No school, Thanksgiving break.
8th: Secret Santa shopping
13th: Holiday music program 6:45-7:15 p.m.in the RHS auditorium.
16th: Holiday celebration
17th: Last day of school before break
Have a Wonderful Week!