I hope that everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving and the snow day yesterday. I am thankful for all of you! I am so impressed with your generosity, as we had the most can goods donated, way to go! I promised the kids a sledding party if they made it above 150 cans, so we will do that Friday afternoon.
We have many exciting things to look forward to. Tuesday, December 9th we have our Holiday music program at the High School. I want to encourage the children to dress up and relax. I’ve heard them all sing and they are wonderful. We also have Secret Santa shopping next Wednesday the 10th. If you would like your child to purchase gifts please send money in an envelope.
Math: We have had a great time doing activities with multiplication and division. One of our favorites has been playing multiplication baseball. The test on unit 4 will be this Friday.
Social Studies: We continue to learn about the history of Rockford, formerly known as Laphamville.
Language Arts: We are just starting a new story in our anthologies called “King Wacky”. The children love his backward ways!
Science: We are beginning our new unit on simple machines and will be doing activities all month.
Dates to remember:
9th Holiday music concert at RHS auditorium.
18th Christmas party
19th Last day of school before break.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.
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