As usual, Mrs. Good and the children do a fabulous job! Enjoy the photos:)
While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about. ~Angela Schwindt
Monday, December 14, 2009
A Couple of Quick Reminders
Monday, December 7, 2009
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
December 17th Party Agenda
1:30 PM - Classroom and Gym Set Up
2 PM - Kid's Food Basket Representative & Snack Pack Donation Assembly in the Gym
2:30 PM - Mrs. Matlosz vs. Mrs. Nyeholts Class Gym Games (4)
2:45 - 3:15 PM - Refreshments & Classroom Celebration
* Clean Up as kids get ready to leave
If you have already given money to the kid’s food basket for the snack packs, thank you so much! If you would like to still give money there is still time, just send it in to school and I will make sure our room moms get it. Thanks again to Kristy and Laura for all of their hard work!
Math: We are finishing unit 4. We are doing many activities with graphs and answering questions using skills such as place value and multiplication. We are also taking timed multiplication tests. Please check your child’s weekly report to see how they are doing!
Language Arts: We just finished the anthology “King Wacky”. We had a great time pretending to be King Wacky, writing a letter saying the opposite of what we mean. We also continue to revise and edit our writing. Currently we are looking at our writing and trying to zoom in on a certain moment and write as much detail as possible to describe that moment. We also had a great time at the first AR store. The kids get points for every test they pass and at the end of the month they can use those points to get prizes. Reading with a fun incentive!
Science: We continue to look at the earth and the materials that we find. We focused last week on soil and what makes up soil. This week we will be looking at how precipitation can make an impact on soil.
Dates to remember:
10th: Secret Santa shopping. We will be going first thing in the morning, so if you would like your child to purchase items, please remember to send money with them this Thursday.
14th: Music concert at the High School auditorium. * Students 6:35 in the choir room * Concert time 6:45 PM
17th: Class Christmas Party. Thanks again for all of your donations. Your generosity is amazing!
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Happy Snow Day!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 20, 2009
It's Almost Turkey Time!
Language Arts: As we get ready for Thanksgiving, we discussed different things that we are all thankful for and typed up our top ten lists in the computer lab. I also hope that you enjoyed the letters that the children wrote to you. I know that they put a lot of thought and effort into what they wanted to say.
Math: Our new concepts we’ve been learning are multiplication facts starting with 0’s, 1’s, and 2’s and division. We will be starting multiplication testing next week so flashcards are a great addition to the daily homework routine.
Science: We have just started our “Earth and Me” unit. We started out doing a rock hunt. The kids found some unique and very interesting rocks. We then looked at the many different characteristics of our rocks and wrote a descriptive paragraph. After looking closely at our rocks we also brainstormed a list of many questions that we have about rocks. If your child has any interesting rocks that they would like to bring in and share, feel free to send them in!
Social Studies: We are learning about mapping skills and the geography of Michigan. We are also learning about the very interesting history of Michigan before statehood.
Spelling: Since we only have two days…no spelling next week!
Dates to remember:
November 25th, 26th, and 27th, No school.
December 4th: The Holiday concert at RHS Auditorium.
December 19th: Holiday celebration
December 20th: Last day of school before the Holiday Break.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns. The next weekly report will be coming home December 4th due to next week being a short week.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Just a Reminder!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Conferences are coming soon!
Spelling: This week we studied words that have the short e sound. Just a heads up that we will have no spelling the week of Thanksgiving.
Language Arts: The children are enjoying the anthology “Chicken Little”. We also have been learning different strategies for writing during our writing workshop. Our strategies include writing about a person, place, or special object, and telling about a specific memory. I’m trying to get the children to give more details and try to write more in depth.
Math: We are now in unit 3. The children are doing a tremendous amount of measuring, figuring of perimeter and area, and more practice with money.
Social Studies: We have started learning about Michigan starting with the symbols and discussing the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomi Native American tribes. We have also been discussing map skills. We will have a fun Michigan Day where we will be rotating to each third grade teacher for different Michigan activities! One activity that I would like to do is to make special Michigan t-shirts. Over the next few weeks, if you could send in a white t-shirt with your child I would greatly appreciate it!
Computer Lab: We enjoyed making our top ten lists of why we are thankful. I know that I’m very thankful for my wonderful students and families!
Dates to Remember:
9th: Food Drive. Please send in non perishable food items to donate to needy families. This will go until the 20th. Thank you ahead of time for you extreme generosity!
13th: ½ day, dismissal at noon.
16th: Report Cards go home.
17th & 19th: Evening Conferences.
25th-27th: No school, Thanksgiving break.
4th: Christmas program at the High School auditorium
8th-10th: Secret Santa Workshop
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.
phone: 616-863-6367 ext. 6711
Reading Strategies
Read To Them
The most important thing you can do for your reader is to read to him. Read things that he is interested in and
things for just pure enjoyment. Stop and talk with him about what you have just read - you thought it was
funny, he liked the way the author said something, you liked that idea. Talk about any part of the story or
writing that you want.
Uninterrupted Reading
Remember that the most important aspect of reading is constructing meaning. If you have a
reader who reads making some miscues (unexpected responses to text) that are mostly meaning-making, do
not interrupt except when the miscues do not make sense or do not sound like language.
Skip and Go On
Too often we have readers who will not take any kind of risk in an attempt to read something unknown. They
use no other strategy than sound-it-out or ask for help. So, when a reader comes to something he doesn't
know and cannot identify, after a very brief sounding out attempt (no more than a couple of seconds), ask him to skip the unknown and read on to try to gain the meaning.
Predict To Make Sense
When the reader comes to something she doesn't know and she is unable to identify the unknown word
through a very brief sounding out attempt, ask her to skip the word and go on. If she is uncomfortable
skipping words entirely, try covering the unknown word up with your (or the reader's) finger. Then ask the reader to predict a substitute word that would make sense.
Modified Cloze Procedure
The modified cloze procedure is also a way that readers can practice these strategies. To use this procedure block out words that could easily be predicted based on meaning and replace them with a blank. With the unknown words eliminated, the non risk-taking reader should be more willing to try to predict instead of sounding out.
Line Marker
Some readers have trouble focusing on lines of text or get distracted when there are several lines. Have your
reader use a word or line marker such as a pencil, index card or his finger to act as a guide to help her stay on track with the text as she reads.
After your reader has completed a piece of text (a story, chapter, article, etc.) or at any good "stopping" point along the way have him pretend that you were not there listening and have him retell you what he read.
Responsive Writing
Ask your reader to write about the parts of the story that she likes best and share that writing with you. This will be a first draft effort, so again the focus is on meaning. Editing is important but will come later, after there is good content to revise and edit. You can vary open ended questions in any way including what he or she would do to change the story, what
the reader liked best or least about the story, what she would do if she was the main character, what she
would ask the author, etc.
There are many things which will help your reader develop fluency. Encourage him to reread several pieces of text that he feels comfortable with. Each time he rereads the piece, the reading will become more comfortable and make your reader more sure of himself. These "warm-up" pieces of text will make your reader feel good and confident about his reading.
Reading Is Fun
Providing lots of fun poems, rhymes, short jokes, riddles, and predictable books etc. will also help your
reader develop fluency and feel good about reading. This will let her hear that she can make reading sound like language and that it can be fun and easy.
Echo Reading/Partner Reading
Echo reading- the child's voice is close behind the proficient reader's voice as they read a favorite book or try out a new piece, or partner reading - the child and the proficient reader read a piece in a duet- are both strategies that can help your reader become more fluent in reading, support her efforts and help children move toward becoming independent readers.
Reading To Others
Having your reader read to younger children, into a tape recorder to share with younger readers, or even to a stuffed animal can help him achieve the fluency needed to develop good comprehension.
This encourages reading "for a purpose," and can help readers understand that they must read so that it can be
understood by their listening audience.
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) can help your reader become exposed to a wide variety of materials while
experiencing reading. As part of SSR it is important that your reader is given a wide range of choices
including story books, chapter books, reference materials, popular periodicals - any fiction or nonfiction that holds his interest.
Written Conversation
To help your reader become more fluent in writing you can take part in a Written Conversation. This involves a conversation in which two people "talk" to each other about topics of interest to both of you - on paper.
Again, this is first draft writing and the focus should be on the content, not the spelling or form. You can
demonstrate standard spelling and form in your end of the conversation. If you are not able to read what the
child writes, ask the child to read it to you.
Previewing a Text
Previewing a text can be an excellent strategy for familiarizing your reader with text. Previewing involves looking at pictures, graphs, charts, chapter questions, etc. to gain vital information from text.
Journal Writing
Journal writing can help both you and your reader connect text with your personal background experience and your lives in general.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
The MEAP is over!
Language Arts: We are finishing the anthology story “Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock”. The children enjoyed many activities and we focused on cause and effect. We also continue to read AR books and take tests. Just a reminder, the children may read these books at home and at school
Math: We have been focusing mostly on number stories, addition and subtraction practice, patterning, split sums algorithm and trade first. You may remember it as carrying and borrowing. This can be a difficult concept for the children. If your child is frustrated please just write me a note and I will be more than happy to go through the homework with them.
Science: We are finishing our Forces and Motion unit. We have learned so many things and had a great time with experiments. We discussed what happens when friction increases and decreases.
Dates to Remember:
23 Family Fun Night at English Hills.
30 Halloween party.
1:45-2:15 All School Costume Parade
* Parent set up for party during parade
2:15 PM – Group Photo in Class
Kid’s sit where they want and enjoy their festive snacks
2:30 PM – Make your own Creepy Halloween Slime
2:45 – 3:10 PM Interactive Mad science experiments
with special guest
3:10 PM – Clean up & Kids get ready to leave
*1/2 day the 13th, noon dismissal.
17th & 19th Evening Conferences.
25-27 No school, Thanksgiving.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bring on the MEAP
Language Arts: We continue working hard to improve our writing. We talked about going back to edit and revise our work. For read aloud I have started a new book called “Traders in Time”. This is a wonderful book about two boys in Grand Haven that realize they are back in time and experiencing Michigan many years ago. We are getting close to finishing all of our cursive letters. I am so impressed with how beautiful everyone’s handwriting is!
I have had a few questions about AR testing. The students need to have an AR book from the library that they read here and at home. They are required to take at least one a week and can take no more than one a day.
Math: We have finished unit one and moved into unit two this week. Concepts that we have been learning about are frames and arrows, practicing addition and subtraction, following rules for in and out tables, and more math games.
Science: The kids are enjoying learning about forces and motion. We talked today about how the use of push and pull and why you would use it to change to motion of an object.
The parent auction at English Hills will be October 23rd. My teacher outing that will be up for bid if you’re interested will be, a movie and popcorn in the classroom with me and 5 friends after school. I will let the winning student select and movie (of course with parent approval) and watch it in our classroom on our big screen.
Dates to Remember:
13 MEAP begins23 Parent auction at English Hills Picture retakes30 Halloween party
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Just a Reminder
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fall is here!
Reading: The children started their first story in our anthology books. We read and did many activities with the story “Miss Nelson is Missing”. We also have many exciting things coming up. Starting next week we will be starting Literature studies in groups. This is where I group the children and they all select a book at their level. I work with the kids to focus on different reading strategies and at the end of the book the group selects a presentation to tell about their book. We also begin the Accelerated Reading program next week. I require the kids to get an AR book from the library and when they are done reading they get to check their comprehension by taking a short test on the computer. For every test they pass they receive points. At the end of each month, we have an AR store where the children can use their points to buy different items. I always get the question from parents “Should my child be reading these books at home, or at school?”, the answer is both. They should read at LEAST one AR book a week, so taking the book they choose from the library back and forth is often essential in helping them reach that goal.
Writing: I’m sure that your child has probably already shared with you some of the new cursive letters that they have learned. I have tried to stress how important it is to learn the correct way to make each letter. So far all the children are doing a fabulous job! We have started our Writing Workshop. Currently we are selecting someone that is special to us and writing about a specific memory with that person. Before we start we sketch scenes to our story to help us remember details and then we write. The next step that we will be working on is editing and revising. I tell them that their writing isn’t wrong, but everyone can revise to make something better. This can be difficult but will be something that we work on all year.
Math: Unit 1 is coming to an end and the first test is next week. Tuesday night’s homework will be a unit 1 review. The review will be very similar to the test, so if your child struggles with anything, please let me know.
Computer Lab: We started a fun typing program called Type to Learn this week. It helps build beginning typing skills and helps increase typing speed as well.
Science: What an excited, engrossed, engaged group of scientists! We are learning about how things move and how changing a variable can make a difference in the motion of an object.
Spelling: These past few weeks we practiced words ending with –s or –es and also some basic high frequency words. This week we are studying words that have consonant blends.
Dates to Remember:
28 Dogs for Dollars @ the Corner Bar.
2 Reading celebration in the library with Mrs. Kalee
13 MEAP begins
23 Parent auction at English Hills
Picture retakes
30 Halloween party
Thank you so much to Kristy Stites for volunteering to be our room mom. I know she will be contacting people soon to help with our Halloween party. Please feel free to contact me with any comments questions or concerns.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Back in the Swing of things!
Congratulations, you just finished your first week of Third Grade! I have truly enjoyed a great week and love getting to know everyone. I thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to work with your child!
Writing: The focus this week has been on how to be a good friend. This also assists us in making our social contract. The kids were challenged to think about how they want to be treated by their peers, by myself, and also how they think I would like to be treated.
Technology: Computer lab begins next week and we start with a reading test and will start a fun typing program.
Math: Thus far our math has been all review. We started with a number hunt and discussing what those numbers mean, filling in number grids, searching for information in the student reference book, using calculators, measuring, adding, and subtracting. Homework Tuesday to Thursday will almost always be a homelink. Please let me know if there are any issues with the homework. It can be as simple as a quick note on the homework page.
Spelling: Time to start spelling. Next week Monday your child will have an individualized list of 20 words. The homework every Monday will be to write spelling sentences. We will do spelling activities during the week and end the week with a test on Friday.
Science: We are starting this year off with an exciting unit on forces and motion. I think I have many budding scientists. I’m looking forward to many fun experiments!
Dates to Remember:
September17th: PTO Meeting @ 7 pmSeptember 18th: Picture Day & Book orders are due.
September 21st: Dogs for Dollars @ Corner Bar.
September 28th: Dogs for Dollars @ Corner Bar.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What a Great Day!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Welcome Back!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Our class party today
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The End is Near...
This Thursday is our annual field day. Just a reminder to check the weather and make sure your child is dressed appropriately. We will be outside, running, jumping, skipping, and hopping all day!
June 2nd will be our end of the year celebration. We will have a pizza lunch for the kids here at school, so you don’t need to worry about lunch for your child that day. We will then walk downtown Rockford at 2 and on the way back around 3, we will stop at Rocky’s for a little ice cream treat. A huge thanks to Rocky’s for providing our class with ice cream, what wonderful people!
On June 3rd the children will be having a banana split party to celebrate learning their multiplication facts. For every number they passed they will get something for their banana split. They have all been working so hard to pass all of their facts. This year EVERYONE passed, way to go!
Our party will be at 2:30 on June 3rd. Feel free to stop in and help us celebrate!
Language Arts: The children are finishing up a great year in their writing workshop notebooks. It’s amazing to see the changes in their writing. I love their word choice and how they are using more variety with their vocabulary. I hope that you all had a chance to see your child’s progress in reading. I attached a report to their weekly reports on Thursday last week. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Math: We have finished our end of the year assessments and are currently on unit 11. What hard workers!
Science: We continued working in our weather unit. We have learned about different types of clouds, the three states of matter, severe weather, and different climates.
Spelling: We have completed all of the units in our spelling program and now are practicing for our spelling bee. We will review and have a the spelling bee in our room the last Thursday of school. I’m hoping to start at about 10:30 a.m.
Dates to Remember
28th Field day, don’t forget your gym shoes!
2nd-End of the year celebration downtown.
3rd-Banana split celebration for passing multiplication facts.
4th– Mrs. Matlosz’s class Spelling BeeHalf day.
5th– Last day, half day!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
We are looking forward to so many things this month. We have Camp Science next Thursday. This is a great opportunity for the 5th graders to teach the younger kids. They always do a fabulous job and I know the children are very excited.
We also have field day coming up on Thursday, May 28th. Thank you so much if you volunteered to help Ms. Zappone. I know she truly appreciates your help. She spends so much time and effort creating an awesome field day for the kids, I’m sure they’ll have a great time!
Language Arts: The children have done a fabulous job in the writers notebooks. We have been creating story mountains to help organize our writing and visually show the climax of our stories. We are also close to finishing our current read aloud book “Traders in Time”. It is most defenitly a nail biter and the kids are doing a phenomenal job connecting it to our Michigan unit in social studies.
Math: The children are doing very well on their timed tests. Every single student has passed through multiplication 12’s. Congratulations! To celebrate, we will have a banana split party. It will be the last week of school, so look for a note to be coming home about it soon!
Science: We only have 4 weeks left, but there is still so much to learn! We have just started our weather unit. We had fun checking the weather on, discussing severe weather and listening to Joe Kopecek from channel 13.
Social Studies: We continue to learn about Michigan and it’s rich history. We just finished discussing WWII and how the auto industry helped build tanks, bomber planes, and trucks. We also learned how many men left to go to the Army and women started working more here at home.
Spelling: We just finished unit 29 today and only have 3 more units to go. After we finish we review and have a little spelling bee in our room the last week of school.
Dates to Remember:
14th Camp Science
15th-17th Relay for Life @ NRMS.
22nd and 25th– No school. (Memorial Day)
28th Field day, don’t forget your gym shoes!
4th– Half day.
5th– Last day, half day!