Friday, November 6, 2009

Conferences are coming soon!

This month we have many fun and exciting things going on. We have report cards, conferences, and Thanksgiving! Thank you for returning conference confirmation slips. I am sending back slips today to show your scheduled time. If it will not work please feel free to contact me and we will change it. I look forward to seeing all of you!
Spelling: This week we studied words that have the short e sound. Just a heads up that we will have no spelling the week of Thanksgiving.
Language Arts: The children are enjoying the anthology “Chicken Little”. We also have been learning different strategies for writing during our writing workshop. Our strategies include writing about a person, place, or special object, and telling about a specific memory. I’m trying to get the children to give more details and try to write more in depth.
Math: We are now in unit 3. The children are doing a tremendous amount of measuring, figuring of perimeter and area, and more practice with money.
Social Studies: We have started learning about Michigan starting with the symbols and discussing the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomi Native American tribes. We have also been discussing map skills. We will have a fun Michigan Day where we will be rotating to each third grade teacher for different Michigan activities! One activity that I would like to do is to make special Michigan t-shirts. Over the next few weeks, if you could send in a white t-shirt with your child I would greatly appreciate it!
Computer Lab: We enjoyed making our top ten lists of why we are thankful. I know that I’m very thankful for my wonderful students and families!
Dates to Remember:
9th: Food Drive. Please send in non perishable food items to donate to needy families. This will go until the 20th. Thank you ahead of time for you extreme generosity!
13th: ½ day, dismissal at noon.
16th: Report Cards go home.
17th & 19th: Evening Conferences.
25th-27th: No school, Thanksgiving break.


4th: Christmas program at the High School auditorium
8th-10th: Secret Santa Workshop

Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.
phone: 616-863-6367 ext. 6711

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