Can you believe that it’s already March? It’s amazing how quickly time goes! We are beginning March is reading month. Your child will be bringing home reading slips for you to sign to verify that they are spending time reading at home. . We'll be learning about different kinds of eggs, having fun with music (chicken dance), reading some egg-cellent books and cracking eggs on Mrs. Kalee's head! Yes, you read that right. The challenge to the classes is that whichever class reads the most hours (and all students in that class have read) in K-2 and 3-5, those students will be able to cover her with eggs. The kids seem quite excited about this adventure!
Language Arts: This week we begin book reports on biographies. I look forward to seeing who the children select. This is a great way to teach the children to use various resources to do research.
Math: We are in the middle of unit 7 and moving fast. During this unit we really focus on continued multiplication and division practice. I’m so impressed with how the kids are working hard to practice their math facts, way to go!
Social Studies: As you know we are going to Lansing this week. We have been talking about Michigan and it’s government, which will come in handy when we meet with Representative Pearce at the capital Wednesday!
Lansing reminders:
à $8 turned in by no later than Wednesday!
à Sack lunch.
à Any items wanted for the bus ride.
à Must arrive by 7:20 Wednesday morning because the bus is leaving at 7:30 sharp!
à We will be arriving back after the school day at approximately 3:45. If you will not be picking up your child, please send a note or e-mail telling me who they will be going with.
Thank you so much for your help, I know we’ll have a great time!
Dates to Remember:
March 2010
3 Matlosz/Vanderwerp to Lansing! More info to come next week. Please let me know if you are interested in coming.
4 No school, staff development.
16 & 18 Evening confer ences.
19 1/2 day, noon dismissal.
Proceeds goes toward Special Olympics
50 cent suggestion donation!
1-9 Spring Break
12 School resumes
16 Class candy sale
17 School Carnival
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