Monday, September 27, 2010

Third Grade Rocks!

We have enjoyed another fun and exciting week here in third grade. We ended last week meeting with our book buddies from Mrs. Fowle’s second grade class.
Did I mention it’s almost October? It’s hard to believe that fall is here. Time flies when you’re having fun!
Language Arts: We are reading the anthology “Miss Nelson is Missing”. We also have read aloud many books, including some of my favorites such as…”Skippy Jon Jones”, “We had a Picnic this Sunday Past”, “Do Unto Otters”, “Molly Lou Melon”, and many more. We have mostly focused on books that remind us of friendship and also using manners. We also take time to read and discuss our Weekly Readers.
Spelling: These past few weeks we practiced words ending with –s or –es and also some basic high frequency words. This week we are studying words that have consonant blends.
Math: We are still doing many review actvities in our math program. We have done frames and arrows, many coin acitivities, calculator review, place value, and more addition and subtraction.
Technology: The children took a reading test. I will be sending home results of how they did this Friday.

You should have all received a letter home last week telling you about the upcoming MEAP testing. I just want to stress that if you need to pull your child out for any appointments to try to do it at another time. Our MEAP testing dates are Tuesday, October 12th, Wednesday, October 13th, Tuesday, October 19th.
Coming up quickly is our Parent night out. This year each class will have a basket to be auctioned off. Our basket theme is “pamper yourself”. If you would like to donate items for our class basket, it would be greatly appreciated! If you need ideas, we could do gift cards for manicures, pedicures, messages, bath salts, bubble bath, etc…The auction is Friday, October 29th, 7-11 p.m. at English Hills Terrace. I hope to see you there! Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.

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