Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Spring…I think:)

Welcome back from your lengthy spring break. I hope you all had a wonderful and restful time. Just a reminder that we have no school this Friday because it’s Good Friday. Also as a little Easter treat, I am making breakfast for the children tomorrow. This Thursday we have a birthday lunch coming in for our class. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are bringing in a pizza lunch for Hannah’s birthday so please don’t send a lunch Thursday. Thank you so much Harris family for your generosity!

Language Arts: We are all involved in book clubs again. We are utilizing all of the wonderful books in our upper el book room that have been donated by families and the Valley View PTO. The kids are very excited and we are going to add a new element to the book clubs. We are going to add blog chat about our books. I look forward to seeing the increased thought and interaction that the children will be using. We also are continuing working on improving our writing by looking at how fluent it is and how sometimes it can be too wordy. We also have worked on our sequencing of stories and have used story timelines to help keep things in order.

Math: We have now ended unit 8 and are just starting unit 9. You will see your child higher level multiplication and division story problems, multiple digit multiplication, practice with money, division with remainders, review of fractions, and arrays. If you have any questions on homework, please feel free to write me a note and I will be more than happy to help your child.

Science: We are beginning a new unit on living things. We start learning about plants and will move into animals. To tie in with social studies we are doing a Michigan animal research report. The children will be choosing how they will present their research. They may either bring in a tri-fold board to put their material on, or they may make a presentation on You may be wondering “Do the children need to do anything at home?” Yes, they are coming home tonight with a sheet that has 6 different options on a page labeled, Michigan Animal Projects Requirements. They need to select two of them and they are due on May 4th. The kids are very excited and we are having so much fun learning about the animals!

Upcoming dates:


22nd No School

27th: PTO @ 7 pm, Dr. Shibler is speaking about upcoming budget issues


4th: Animal projects due

9th Field Trip to the Van Andel Museum

12th: PTO @ 7 pm

27th-30th No School, Memorial Day

*I’m sure that there will be more dates that arise, I will make sure I pass those on to you when I get them! Have a great day!!!

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