Friday, September 19, 2014

Fall Fun!

We have enjoyed another fun and exciting week here in third grade.  We ended the week meeting with our book buddies from Mrs. Auzin’s Kindergarten class.  It was so nice meeting with many of you for our Successful Starts Conferences.  If you think of additional things that you wish that you would have told me, feel free to call, e-mail, or write a note.
Language Arts:  We have read aloud many books and are talking about how to use questioning to think beyond the story and also to help aid our comprehension.  We will be starting our accelerated reader program next week which is an independent reading program where the kids can read books, take quizzes and earn prizes. 
Spelling:  This was our first week doing a real spelling test.  The children all did a marvelous job!  Look for new words to come home on Monday.  If for any reason, your child forgets their words, remember they are always on the blog!
Math:  We are still doing many review activities in our math program.  We have done number boxes, tally charts, measurement activities, finding the difference, and number grid practice.  If you would like your child to have additional math practice at home, feel free to go on
Each child’s log-in and password is on a card taped to their planners. 
Technology:  The children have been extremely busy taking new computerized testing.  We took a reading test and the children also did a math test.  When I asked if they liked it they said it was kind of fun, but exhausting.  We are doing this testing to help guide our teaching and also get our children ready for the future of standardized testing since it will be using technology. 
Science:  I’m sure your child has already told you that we have some crayfish that have joined our room for our living things unit.  We have been looking at plants and now will be learning all about animals.  We have a terrarium full of plants and will be adding worms next week to watch them work under the soil.  Science is so fun and exciting!
Upcoming dates:
23rd-Late start.  We will begin at 10:40 a.m.
Slushie Sale at lunch ($1 each)
26th-Book Orders due.
17th-1/2 day of school.  Noon dismissal.
22nd-Picture retakes.
31st-Halloween parties.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns. 

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