Monday, October 12, 2015

Things to come

*Valley View Voyage this Friday at 2:30 p.m.  Feel free to come and join us.  We walk as a school, so make sure your child is dressed in comfy shoes:)
*1/2 day of school, Friday, October 23rd.  Dismissal at noon.
Write Prize Information
WHO:  Students in Grades 3-5
WHAT:  Write Prize 2015
Students write a piece, using one of the following genres:  Informational, Opinion, Narrative (between 500-1500 words.)
WHEN:  October 12, 2015 – November 13, 2015
DEADLINE COMPLETION:  November 13, 2015
Writing entries must be typed.
Prizes for the FIVE winning entries from each
    Grade Level from Scholastic Books
*Parents….are you  willing to volunteer on                     Fridays  in the Media Center, from either                          9:00 – 10:00 A.M. or 1:00 – 2:00 P.M.?                                We need adults to conference with our                           young  writers, proofing  and  editing.                               The dates are Oct. 16 /23/ 30  and                                    Nov.  6th.  Please contact                                                             Bob Siegel at                                                                                                            if you can help.                                                      
Thank you!


Michelle said...

Hi Alice,
If we walk with our child/ren Friday, are we able to take them home afterwards?

Where to begin... said...

Absolutely, you just have to sign them out at the office.