Monday, November 30, 2015

Music Program Info

Dear Parents,

Our Valley View music program is Friday, December 4th at the Rockford High School Auditorium.  We are all so excited to show you what we have been learning!

Program times: 2nd Grade 6:00

                  3rd Grade 6:50 

4th/5th Grade 7:45

  • Please remember when you are arriving for the later show that the first program is still in progress and will need to empty from the auditorium before you will be able to enter. 
  • Arrive at the auditorium about 15 minutes before show time.
  • Children should not be left unattended in the band and choir room at any time.

  • Make sure your child uses the restroom before going to the line up rooms.

  • Dress up clothes for the performance, please.
  • Keep your child’s coat with you during the show.
  • Cameras are welcome, but food and drink are not allowed in the auditorium.

  • Please turn off pagers and cell phones for the performance.
  • Make sure the teacher knows you have your child before leaving.


v  Please note the exit and student pick up area this year. 


If you have any questions, call 863-6366 ex 6741

Or Email

Mrs. Jamie Saincome                                                              


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