Monday, January 31, 2011

Valentine's Day

I am planning to have the children create their own boxes for our Valentines. If you don't have supplies at home to decorate a box, please let me know and I will make sure I send some home with your child. Please have fun and enjoy!
Feel free to send in the created box and Valentine cards anytime next week by no later than our party day Thursday. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


I hope that you are all enjoying our cold and snowy weather. We have many things happening in our class and at school in the next few months.

Language Arts: Our main focus has been about getting our thoughts down in our first draft and then going back and checking our work. We practiced revising short paragraphs to make them more interesting to the reader. I’m trying to stress that even though writing may be done correctly, it is crucial to go back and revise to make it your BEST writing. Editing and revision can be difficult, but is something that the children will continue to work on.

Math: We are in the middle of unit 6 and will continue reviewing decimals. The children getting ready to start their mid-year assessment. We continue to review our multiplication facts and have been taking timed tests.

Social Studies: We continue to learn about our wonderful state of Michigan. As you know, we are so relieved that our class trip to Lansing was rescheduled. I hope to see many of you on our trip Monday, March 7th. Everything is the same, but we will be leaving at 8:15a.m. instead of 7:45 a.m.

Science: We are in a new science unit about light and shadows . We’ve discussed what we already know and are excited to learn all about light!

Computer Lab: After reading the book “Weslandia”, the children created their own land. We have done much revising and editing to publish our stories I am so impressed with everyone’s creativity and unique ideas!

Valentine Party

Our class party will be on Thursday, February 10th starting at 2:20 p.m. I hope to see many of you there.. Thanks again for your understanding and flexibility!

**Reminder that if you would still like to buy a yearbook, the deadline is Thursday, February 3rd!!! ($10 each)

Dates to Remember:


3rd: Last day to order a yearbook.

10th: Valentine party starting at 2:20 p.m. in our room.

12th: Jump Rope for Heart.

24th-25th: No school Mid-Winter Break.


5th: School Carnival

7th: Lansing Field Trip. The bus leaves at 8:15 a.m. and returns around 3.

Report Cards go home!

9th-10th: Evening, Parent Teacher Conferences.

11th: No school, staff development day.

31st: No school-Spring break begins!


11th: School resumes.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lansing Trip Canceled For Today!

We have a two hour delay due to bad road conditions so our field trip to the capital is canceled. Fortunately I was able to reschedule so the new date is Monday, March 7th. I hope many of you can still make it!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sledding Fun

I'm so proud of the children for showing such fabulous behavior here at school everyday. They earned a reward and chose to have a sledding party and drink cocoa after. What a wonderful winter day!

We're Back!

Happy New Year! We have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to. Just to clarify the date of April 18th on the last note was incorrect. It is still January 18th. Sorry about that, I’m not sure what happened there, but just want to make sure that everyone has the correct date! The only real change is that we will be returning around 3 instead of 4 so the kids can ride the bus home if you need them to.

We are working very hard at school trying to finish up many different units.

Social Studies: We continue to learn about Michigan and it’s government. I have talked to Pete McGregor’s office and we will be meeting him when we visit Lansing on the 18th.

Science: We are finishing up our Earth and Me unit. The kids are loving learning about rocks, earth materials, and erosion.

Math: We are in the middle of unit 5 and reviewing place value. The kids are taking multiplication timed tests daily and doing a great job. Flashcards can be a quick fun way to practice at home. If you don’t have any, let me know and I can send home note cards with your child and they can make them.

Language Arts: This week we discussed New Year’s resolutions and wrote about some goals for the year. We tried to just limit ourselves to around 3. We also are reading the book “Traders in Time”. This is a wonderful book about two boys that go back in time and see how the fur traders and Native Americans lived 300 years ago here in Michigan. Very cool and also has exciting adventures that the children love to hear about!

Upcoming dates:


18th: Lansing field trip-Bring a sack lunch and be at school at 7:30 a.m.

21st: ½ day with noon dismissal

I have attached the Lansing note again (corrected) if you need it. Have a wonderful weekend!