Monday, December 16, 2013

This Week...

Tuesday:  Holiday activities and Mrs. Whitmore reading to our class.


Wednesday:  Finish Holiday activities.


Thursday:  Caroling in the gym.

Christmas parties starting at 2:20.


Friday:  P.J. day and watch The Polar Express.

Caroling at the end of the day and Mrs. Osobrn’s class quilt will be raffled off.

Thank you to everyone for your generous donations to the Giving Tree.  I am amazed at how much all of you gave.  Thanks a million!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

This Week...

Due to the busy weeks ahead, I would like to send you a short list of what we have going on.  Some are things at home and some are to just let you know what may be going on here at schoolJ


Today:  Finish Holiday Heritage Projects.

We are on Channel 13 at 6 pm and 11 pm


Tuesday:  Turn in Holiday Heritage Projects.

*If you need more time please let me know.

1-1:30  Christmas caroling in the gym.

2:30-3  Mr. Siegel reading to our class.


Wednesday:  11-12 Secret Santa shopping.


Thursday:  9:50-10:20  Christmas caroling in the gym.


Friday:  Spelling test

All donations to the Giving Tree need to be in.  I will be delivering all of the gifts at this point.  Thank you again for your extreme generosity!!!



Monday, December 2, 2013

Holiday Program

I am always so impressed with our fabulous music teacher Mrs. Good.  She is an amazing leader and the children were absolutely fabulous tonight!