Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring is Here!

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful and well deserved Spring Break. The weather is actually starting to cooperate, hopefully we don’t see anymore snow for awhile!
You should have received a note about our upcoming field trip on Thursday, April 23rd. We will be going to the Van Andel Museum downtown Grand Rapids. The cost is $5 per person and everyone needs to bring a sack lunch. If you are interested in going, please let me as soon as possible.
Science: We are having so much fun in our bird unit. We have learned about the different parts of the bird and are starting our bird projects. All of the children have selected a bird and are researching information for their report. I look forward to seeing the finished products in the hall.
Math: We nearing the end of unit 9. The children will be taking a unit test next week and moving into unit 10 before the end of April.
Language Arts: To tie in with our Michigan studies for Social Studies, we are reading aloud “Traders in Time”. This is an exciting story about two boys on an adventure in the Michigan wilderness and they travel back in time where there are no police or parents to keep them safe. The children in the story are helped by fur traders. The children have continued working hard on their writing. We did an activity this week writing about a first time doing something. As always I stress the importance of editing and revising.
Some exciting news...third graders will be publishing stories in the next school newspaper. We are so excited, I look forward to seeing interviews, current events, poems, songs, etc...

Dates to Remember

23rd– Field trip to Van Andel Museum. The bus leaves at 9 a.m. and returns at 2p.m. Don’t forget a sack lunch!
30th– Joe Kopecek from channel 13 is coming to talk to the third grade about weather.

8th-Third grade relay lunch. We enjoy a picnic outside for lunch this day.
22nd and 25th– No school. (Memorial Day)

4th– Half day.
5th– Last day, half day!

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