Monday, October 11, 2010

Who's Ready For MEAP?

We’ve enjoyed another wonderful week here at Valley View. Starting this week on Tuesday we will begin MEAP testing. We have three days of testing over the next two weeks. This means NO HOMEWORK until Monday, October 25th!!! I appreciate all of the snack donations. Thanks in advance for your generosity! Remember to get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast. I also am very proud of the many students that are doing the electronic detox. Way to go!

Language Arts: We continue working hard to improve our writing. We talked about going back to edit and revise our work. We are also working on a readers theater that we will perform for our book buddies this Friday afternoon.

Math: We have finished unit one and moved into unit two. Concepts that we have been learning about are frames and arrows, practicing addition and subtraction, following rules for in and out tables, and more math games.

Science: The kids are enjoying learning about forces and motion. We have talked about how the use of push and pull and why you would use it to change to motion of an object. We have also learned about friction and what it does to motion.

The parent auction at English Hills will be October 29th. Our classroom basket will be available to bid on. The theme again is “Pamper yourself”. Thank you so much for those who have donated or plan to. Also another big thank you to Joanne Gerhard for organizing our basket!

Dates to Remember:


12 MEAP begins
29 Parent auction at English Hills
Picture retakes
29 Halloween party

Some of you have asked about when the Lansing field trip will be. Our class will be going Tuesday, January 18th. Just to let you know, the children need to come early that day (7:30 a.m.) and we leave at 7:45 a.m. to ensure that we make it to Lansing in plenty of time. Look for future notes to come next month!

Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.

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